Saturday, 24 December 2011

New project : OpenLDAP & FreeRADIUS

I've decided to postpone my Wordpress efforts and concentrate on something else. I'm going to experiment with OpenLDAP and FreeRADIUS. In the end I want to get 802.1X running on a switch. I've already tried to setup something on FreeBSD and Ubuntu but OpenLDAP on Ubuntu is a mess. So this will be an FreeBSD piece again.

If you're interested check these sites:

Alwina's open source efforts» Blog Archive » openLDAP server on FreeBSD – Alwina’s FreeBSD and CentOS Blog

Easy LDAP management | LDAP Account Manager 

Lampros - OpenLDAP 101 - Step by Step on FreeBSD 8.1

Sunday, 11 December 2011

The FreeBSD Experience - Part 5 : Apache/Joomla

In this part, I continue with my FreeBSD server and configure it to host two Joomla sites. Let's say I'm going to create seperate sites for John and Jenn. First go to the directory containing the original Joomla installation:

cd /usr/local/www/
cp -Rp joomla john
cp -Rp joomla jenn
chown www:www john
chown www:www jenn

Now I have two seperate Joomla installations (it is advised to copy the original Joomla directory before starting your installation). Next is adding virtual hosts in the Apache config.

Uncomment the following line in /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf:

Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf